
MainWP Codex is a great place to learn how to extend the MainWP plugin creating custom extensions or simple customizations.

Actions & Filters

See all available hooks in the MainWP plugin that will allow you to add data or change how MainWP works.

Code Reference

Browse MainWP codebase to learn what’s going on inside the MainWP plugin core files.


The MainWP API uses REST conventions and returns all data in JSON format. Requests may be made using the HTTPS protocol and must be authenticated using a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. The API supports 3 primary resources, each with a related set of endpoints: Response bodies from the MainWP API are in JSON format, with a Content-Type: of application/json and UTF-8 character encoding.

Getting Started

MainWP allows you to create your own extension and plug it into our main plugin. To do this we have added some actions and filters to our main plugin.

Here is an example of how to implement your own plugin, afterward the actions and filters used are explained: